Acne With CSL

Silky, Smooth and Touchable ....
        The way skin is meant to be …..

Acne is a common skin disease characterised by pimples on the face, chest and back. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria (P.Acne)

Types of acne :

  1. Mild acne : Refers to the whiteheads or blackheads that most of us get various times.
  2. Moderate acne : which includes red inflamed pimples called papules and red pimples with white centres called pustules.
  3. Severe acne : which are nodules painful, pus filled cysts or bumps to appear under skin.
Back and Chest Acne : Are you hiding something at your back?
Back acne is a result of hormonal problems or accumulation of perspiration due to workouts.
Don’t let back acne embarrass you. The eruption might be out of your “reach” but curing is definitely within your reach.
Consult you dermatologist before that these acne start embarrassing you..

Adult Acne :
Adult acne is more often caused by stress, unbalanced diet plan and unhealthy daily practices, Alcohol consumption and smoking are also considered to exaggerate the condition. So it is important that you look after how you go about your daily routine.

Treatments available at CSL :
  • Topical Treatments
  • Oral Treatments
  • Laser Treatments
  • Chemical Peels
  • Extraction
  • Hormone Treatment
To avoid these possible outcomes treatment is needed. When the skin clears, treatment should continue. Treatments help to present the new breakouts.

At CSL special treatments are available for :
  • Adult Acne
  • Back Acne
  • Chest Acne
  • Arm Acne
Laser Treatment for ACNE (LHE):
Using a unique 3-prong approach of green light, red light and heat, LHE optimizes the oxygen effect and quickly destroys the P.acnes. Green and red light reach deep into the pores while the heat intensifies the process and gently opens the pores to release the clog and soothe the inflammation.

Red Light – stops inflammation :
Red light quickly reduces the inflammation from the base of the hair follicle.

Green Light goes deep :
Green light penetrates deep beneath the skin surface to initiate the anti-bacterial reaction at its core.

LHE’s secret of HEAT :
Heat speeds up to the chemical process and soothes the acne lesions. Red light, Green light GO! For clear skin.